Does Leadership Matter In Collaborative Governance? Cases In Banyuwangi And Kulon Progo Regency, Indonesia


  • Muh Azis Muslim University of Indonesia


In nearly all of the framework models of collaborative governance (CG), leadership is always shown as having a major and strategic role. However, specific studies that discuss leadership tend to be limited. Most of the studies on CG are more concerned with the implementation of CG as carried out through several examples of cases. This study intends to perform a precise analysis of the leadership typologies exhibited by the regents of Kulon Progo and Banyuwangi in mobilizing CG, as well as to discover similarities in the indicators that they display in serving their leadership role. This research uses the quantitative approach by referring to the theory of leadership and leadership typologies as developed by Ricard et al. (2017). Ricard distinguished between 5 leadership typologies in the public sector, encompassing transactional, interpersonal, transformational, entrepreneurial, and network governance typologies as arranged into 23 indicators. Data was obtained through a survey of 39 respondents who are Heads of Agencies who have intensive interaction with the Head of the Region. The results of this survey show that the leadership of the two Regents have a tendency to display similarities in typologies, dominated by the entrepreneurial, network governance, and transformational typologies. In the case of the two leaders, the transactional and interpersonal typologies have the lowest average value. Meanwhile, the predominant characteristics of the leadership of these two heads of the region include indicators such as taking initiative, being visionaries, showing commitment to colleagues and organizations, and lastly, being problem oriented. The results of this research may serve as a reference for other Heads of the Region in exercising leadership for collaborative governance.

Author Biography

Muh Azis Muslim, University of Indonesia

Department of Public Administration

Faculty of Administrative Science

Universitas Indonesia


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How to Cite

Muslim, M. A. (2021). Does Leadership Matter In Collaborative Governance? Cases In Banyuwangi And Kulon Progo Regency, Indonesia. International Public Management Review, 21(1), 27–45. Retrieved from