Creating Public Value within the Smart Energy Communities (SECs)

A Theoretical Framework for Hybrid Organizations


  • Simone Cifolelli G. d’Annunzio University, Pescara, Italy
  • Andrea Ziruolo G. d’Annunzio University, Pescara, Italy
  • Marco Berardi G. d’Annunzio University, Pescara, Italy


Public value creation, Hybrid organizations, Smart Energy Community, Sustainability


Hybrid organizations, such as Smart Energy Communities (SECs), play a pivotal role in the dynamic landscape of the energy sector by attempting to harmonize the pursuit of both public and private value. As the transition to a sustainable and smart energy future gains momentum, understanding how these organizations effectively balance these dual objectives and create public value becomes paramount. This paper investigates the intricate dynamics influencing the ability of hybrid organizations to effectively create public value. Factors such as governance structures, stakeholder relationships, and mission alignment will be explored in depth to illuminate the strategies employed by these organizations to reconcile dual goals. Furthermore, this work develops a theoretical framework that enhances our understanding of the mechanisms and strategies employed by hybrid organizations to optimize public value creation. The framework considers the diverse missions, stakeholders, and organizational structures present within hybrid organizations. It integrates concepts from organizational theory, public management, and corporate social responsibility to provide a holistic view of the factors that contribute to the creation of public value in these complex entities. By systematically analyzing these factors, the paper offers practical insights for SECs and policymakers seeking to enhance their effectiveness in driving positive social and environmental impacts.


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How to Cite

Cifolelli, S., Ziruolo, A., & Berardi, M. (2024). Creating Public Value within the Smart Energy Communities (SECs): A Theoretical Framework for Hybrid Organizations. International Public Management Review, 24(1), 46–70. Retrieved from


