Defense Acquisition and Budgeting: Investigating the Adequacy of Linkage Between Systems


  • L. R. Jones
  • Jerry L. McCaffery


In this article we assess evidence and test the hypothesis that the complicated architecture and processes of national defense planning, programming, budgeting and execution and the defense acquisition decision system produce system linkage weaknesses that lead to unintended and negative consequences for defense acquisition and procurement. The purpose of this article is to identify key points of linkage weakness and failure between DOD financial management and acquisition decision systems, and then suggest how reengineering and realignment might be approached to resolve some of these problems. We first describe the key components of the defense planning, program, budgeting and execution system (PPBES) decision process. We then provide an analysis of recent changes to PPBES. Next, we describe the defense acquisition system (DAS) in detail. Then, relying on independent assessment of system relationships and data gathered from interviews with system participants, we identify systems linkages and areas of misalignment between the PPBES and the DAS. Finally, we provide conclusions with respect to our hypothesis and analysis of consequent key problems and issues to be addressed by top level DOD leadership.

Author Biographies

L. R. Jones

L.R. Jones is Wagner Professor of Public Management, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School.

Jerry L. McCaffery

Jerry L. McCaffery is Professor of Public Budgeting, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School.


How to Cite

Jones, L. R., & McCaffery, J. L. (2014). Defense Acquisition and Budgeting: Investigating the Adequacy of Linkage Between Systems. International Public Management Review, 6(2), 87–115. Retrieved from




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