Comment from the Editors


  • L. R. Jones
  • Kuno Schedler


We believe this issue of IPMR is one of our best. It features articles by L. R. Jones and Donald F. Kettl, Michael Barzelay and co-authors, Jiannan Wu and Stuart Bretschneider, and Michael E. Milakovich. The final article in this issue is by Patrick von Maravic and Christoph Reichard. It consists of analysis and a dialogue that took place among members of the International Public Management Network on the topic NPM and corruption. The dialogue transpired spontaneously in comments from IPMN members on our list server in response to an inquiry made by Christoph Reichard in November 2002. Readers have told us they enjoy these dialogues, both as they occur on the list server and later as edited articles with additional analysis and comment. The editors are grateful to all those who contributed to this dialogue. A review essay of the book Managing Public Expenditures in Australia by John Wanna, Joanne Kelly and John Forster concludes the issue.


How to Cite

Jones, L. R., & Schedler, K. (2014). Comment from the Editors. International Public Management Review, 4(1), ii. Retrieved from




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